Friday, May 4, 2007

DAY 4: s o n i c b r a t

Snapshot 2007-05-05 02-21-08 - Twango
"Une peu de Démence"

Delirium is a luxury like the calm before a storm
Like the laughters before tears
And the adrenaline rush before collapsing
Living an oxymoron...

Tempo: 73 bpm
Colour: Multi-colour

A mini Hungarian citera, a toy piano and a chinese gourd flute; contact microphone...

Sampled using KORG Kaoss Pad and passed through an interesting reverb that makes it sound metallic (I believe is very long early reflection). The percussion was done again by slapping the rhythms on the lid of the toy piano, and clapping of hands. No synths or any other electronic instruments were used at all except for processing using KP3, all acoustics. The recorded samples were manipulated later during post and some subliminal sound designs.

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