Sunday, September 23, 2007

Locking on sinewaves

This morning, took some moments of calm (or almost) in the Montsouris park to experiment a track on my Palm TX with simple sine waves and buffer lock effect.
The result is here, experimented/tweaked live on the Palm plugged into my EHX tube preamp.

The first track is harsher than the second one, more melodic. If you can't stand the listening on the first, please go directly to the second. Don't be afraid of that noise ;-)

Don't try to adjust your speaker system, the glitches are "normal".

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Into space

Few days ago, I bought a T-Rex Bass Juice (bass distortion), and a Morley Little Alligator volume pedal.
The Morley choice was due to its optical technology which prevent from cracks from regular pot volume pedals.
I bought it because my regular volume pedal (George Dennis) was cracking.
For helping me with ambiance during the recording, I used my BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay, but the actual delay that you can hear is the Analog Delay VST plugin from MDSP at (and also the round-pan).
I recorded four loop drones today, and especially one improvized with 2001 Space Odissey chapter 29 in background, so you can listen to the track almost in sync with chapter 29 of 2001.