Tuesday, May 1, 2007

DAY 1: s o n i c b r a t

Snapshot 2007-05-03 06-07-33 - Twango

The boy looked into the mirror and saw an old man
The old man smiled at him as he smiled back...
Their palms met and the old man looked into his eyes
With an acceptance that made the boy happy again...

Tempo: 60 bpm
Colour: Yellow

With all my regular gears at rehearsals, I am left with bare minimal at home. I wanted to see what I can come up with using just very primitive instruments.

A toy piano, a contact microphone, sampled on KORG Kaoss Pad III and grained, Roland SH101. Recorded live, except drums added later using Reaktor 5 and layering the toy piano samples, pitching them down and reversing them at parts.

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